

I have finished the first three parts of my “bridging course” and now I have two weeks free before the 2nd part of the bridging course begins (18th of September). That will involve me actually attending University. I get to move into my new appartment in the 2nd week of that (from the 25th of September). The actual course starts the following week (2nd of October).

It will be interesting to see how my room will compare to my appartment in Japan. I’m not looking forward to having to share with other people.

I will no doubt use these two weeks to hack at code for various trivial things to improve myself. Hopefully I won’t spend too much time playing games.

大学にはいる前に三つの特別なアサインメントをやらなきゃ。 昨日やり終わってほっとした。二週間後で特別なコースが大学で始まる(9月の18日から)。 9月の25日からアパートに引っ越せる。本物のコースが10月の2日から始まる。

今回のアパートと日本のアパートと比べるのがおもしろそう。 だけど、家を知らない人と暮らすのがちょっといやな気持ちがする。
